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Today, you are just one step closer to unlocking your full potential and embracing a positive path toward growth and well-being. As a solution-focused therapist, I am dedicated to helping you unearth your true potential and lead an extraordinary life. While we can't alter the challenges of the past, together we can conquer and understand the obstacles in your life. Through the application of complementary therapy approaches and techniques, we will identify and address long-standing behavior patterns or negative perceptions that may be obstructing your path to a more fulfilling and meaningful life. Whether you require additional support and guidance during challenging times or you are fully prepared to steer your life in a new direction, I am excited about the opportunity to collaborate with you to accomplish your goals.

The Opportunity to Elevate Your Life 

Matthew Aboulafia, LCSW
Matthew Aboulafia, LCSW


Modern psychotherapy has made significant advancements, empowering you to effectively manage and shift your moods to a robust, healthy, desired state. For those unfamiliar with the power of this new understanding, it may be difficult to comprehend the possibility of having such control over our lives and emotions. But it is just a matter of learning how to do it—there's no magic involved, just science.

First, it’s essential to comprehend that our moods are undeniably influenced by our perceptions and expectations of the future. If these expectations (perceptions)are clouded by negative emotions, they directly impact our stress levels and overall mood.

 These negative emotions always concern excessive self-criticism, fear of judgment, and fear of failure. When these negative feelings can be abated, our mood significantly improves. It is just like the law of physics: cause and effect. So, I must drive home; moods are transient and are completely affected by our anticipation and perceptions of the world around us. That is a mental state, our internal world, and our internal dialogue about what to anticipate, which must be cleared of excessive negativity, or we will always experience unnecessary emotional distress.

 Our moods are transient, and that is a good thing. What we have to discover, though, is how to transition to a better mood or emotional state. Mood states are, with the right strategies, controllable and manageable. For so many of us who live by our emotions dictating our lives, this is a curious statement. To be in control? To be better able to determine the course of my moods?  

 For instance, imagine feeling down at home when someone arrives at your door, stating he is from the Bill Gates Foundation for Mood Elevation. At the door, they introduce themselves and state that you've been awarded a $20,000 check to use at your discretion. They hand you a $20,000 check. Your reaction? Initially, most likely disbelief, but as you realize this for real, your mood instantaneously shifts from glum to excitement.  A $20,000 check has great meaning for us: all kinds of fantasies and thoughts about what we could do and how we could help our lives come rushing in. This imagined improved life, as a result of the check, lifts our spirits. We'll feel the optimism of the potential that it offers us.

 This example demonstrates how a negative mood can be lifted. Negative moods are transient and will shift with a good perception of the future: thoughts of sound life-enhancing possibilities can positively affect them. Alternatively, when our minds are filled with fears of the future and potential failure, our mood shifts to an anxious or depressive one.   

 Psychotherapy is designed to change our perception by reducing false perceptions of danger. A well-trained therapist equips individuals with the tools to eliminate the overabundance of self-destructive, negative thoughts and feelings.  These include self-criticism, self-deprivation, anticipation of negative outcomes, and automatic catastrophizing. They live within each of us, but we have grown so accustomed to their presence that we consider them to be just a part of life, an integral part of our being. We can not see, we are blind to, how unnecessary so much of this criticism is and, in fact, causing us to stumble through life.  

The therapist-trained psychological eye enlightens the person on how these critical thought and feelings infiltrate their daily lives. They are the experts, one mighty say, of the bad programming we have been imbued with. As one gains insight into how these false fears operate, the therapist then assists them in developing healthy, positive life strategies and effective ways to challenge these thoughts, preventing them from affecting their emotional well-being.  As this happens, one's worldview becomes different: It becomes a place with fewer roadblocks and more potential. One becomes more liberated to act and do what will enable one's life to flourish. When critical thoughts are seen and put in check, the world becomes full of potential. 

 The hard part for so many of us is that we don't realize that we have all been conditioned to fear excessively: It can, to name but a few, often begin with an overly protective parent who is unwittingly suggesting the world is dangerous and scary, living in a tough environment, and or highly critical social milieu which makes you feel one is never good enough.  All trigger Excessive fears…. These factors all erode our confidence, resulting in feelings of powerlessness and vulnerability. This, in turn, hampers our ability to envision a future that meets our needs for successful, healthy lives. And, when we feel this way, pessimistic and hampered by doubts, over time, the fallout results in side effects that will undoubtedly include symptoms such as anxiety and depression.  

 With the right guidance, we can unequivocally overcome unnecessary fears and confidently embrace exciting possibilities instead of being hindered by roadblocks. By envisioning a future with fewer limitations and maintaining an unwaveringly optimistic outlook, our confidence becomes unshakable. With an abundance of confidence, there is simply no room for anxiety or feelings of depression. And, psychotherapy stands as an extraordinarily powerful tool in cultivating this unhampered self, empowering individuals to wholeheartedly embrace a brighter and more optimistic future. This is an essential human need: our very existence depends on thriving, and it is imperative that we envision a future teeming with potential. Fortunately, in our modern world, today, we have this invaluable tool to fortify and elevate our confidence, thus enabling us to actualize our deepest desires in life.

Please call (212) 682-3382 or email me for an individual, couples or family therapy consultation today.


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